A lot of us might have lost someone, lost a job, faced suffering, faced struggles, faced depression and more last year. The first question we ask ourselves is “Why is happening to me?”. Instead, try asking “What is it trying to teach me?”.
Suffering ceases to be suffering at the moment it finds a meaning.
If we don’t heal what hurt us, We’ll bleed on people who didn’t cut us.
Everything in life has a purpose. There are no mistakes, no coincidences, all events are blessings given to us to learn from. Through out life, we get clues that remind us of the direction we are supposed to be headed if we stay focused, then we learn our lessons.
When we learn our lessons, the pain goes away.
I’m fascinated by the idea of what suffering does to people. It’s often a healing and transformative experience for people who rise above it. No matter how much it hurt us, someday we will look back and realise our struggles changed our life for the better.
We will fail.
We will fall.
We will suffer.
We will struggle.
We will break.
But then,
We will learn.
We will rise.
We will heal.
We will overcome.
We will become better humans.
As 2019 starts, I hope we get time to reflect on what our failures, struggles and suffering last year is teaching us.
The cost of failure is learning.
If we don’t, we will make the same mistakes again. Mistakes are no longer mistakes when we learn from them, that’s when they become lessons.
I hope we all have an awesome year ahead!